Finally, you've found us. Well done you.
Now you're here, your business is going to get a whole lot more visible – because we get press coverage for small businesses and startups.
Let us dig around under your bonnet a bit so we can extract some story angles, then we'll simplify how you talk about your business (because it's really hard to read the label from inside the jar) and find the right journalists to pitch to.
Our clients have appeared in TechCrunch, on the BBC News website, and in all the national newspapers. They write regular columns for Forbes and run webinars for the ACCA.
They're thought leaders in the industries they most closely work with. And they win all sorts of awards, because we've got writing entries down to a fine art.
Sometimes, companies want to keep PR strictly in-house but they don't know where to start, so they wheel us in. We love to teach, and we give our PR students all the support and ideas we can possibly think of. Check out our excellent DIY PR training courses and let us make one just for you.
Now's probably a good time to mention that we're really rather good at all this PR stuff. The glowing testimonials below will attest.
Contact Us
Normally, we're back and forth between Brighton and London. These days you'll find us on Google Meet, dressed from the waist up. To arrange a call, either fill out this handy form that we're told all professional websites ought to have, or just email us, like a normal person.